TecnATox Innovation and Technology Transfer Center was incorporated in 2008 into ACCIÓ's IT Network, currently TECNIO promoted by ACCIÓ. ACCIÓ has identified, under the TECNIO label, the developers of the most innovative technologies in the R+D+I system in Catalonia with differential technological capabilities and the ability to transfer them to the company.
With the aim of promoting the competitiveness of Catalan companies, TECNIO is a network that brings together the main players in technology transfer in Catalonia, bringing companies, universities and research centers together. TECNIO is therefore a large scientific and technical infrastructure that responds to the needs of Catalan companies by providing added value to their projects, through a series of research, development and innovation actions. The TECNIO certification:
- Supports the most qualified agents involved in technology transfer processes.
- Allows companies to access advanced R&D and develop new products and services.
- Increases the scope of technology projects by finding the most suitable technology partners and suppliers.
- Helps to increase its competitiveness and capacity for technological innovation.
Learn more about TECNIO on YouTube: