Displaying from 1 to 10 of 10 available piece of news
The URV, the third university in Spain in collaborative research with companies, with a notable impact from TecnATox
Insulin resistance, a key factor in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
Researchers from TecnATox Participate in a New European Project Titled ENVESOME - “The Environmental Exposome and Health”
Laureno Jiménez, selected as one of the scientific advisors of the Spanish Government
TecnATox researchers in a new project funded by Fundación BBVA
Prof. Domingo is again a Highly Cited Researcher
Warning about the intake of microplastics through mussels
Organization of a new event for the 2024 World Alzheimer's Day
Mindfulness practice improves well-being and cognitive skills
Advising about the consumption of packaged salads